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About the Church Plant

Image by Chad Morehead


To help people take their next step toward Jesus.


To develop fully devoted and equipped followers of Jesus.

The Strategy



In accordance with the greatest commandment Jesus gave, we will aim to love and serve our community in a way that points them to Jesus. These efforts will be done in as much a tangible way as spiritual way.

Mark 12:31

“‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”


Small Groups

The Lord established the church for His followers to build each other up, live in relationship with one another, and encourage all in faith. We desire to experience life together in community.

1 Thessalonians 2:8

“...we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”


Sunday Gatherings

We gather to encourage one another, worship the Lord together, and respond to the presentation of God’s Word through preaching and teaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together…”



The principal mission of the church is to make disciples by sharing the gospel of Jesus, living out the truth found in Scripture, and becoming more like Jesus every day.

Matthew 28:19

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Our Values

Image by Timothy Eberly


2 Timothy 3:16 | 1 John 2:6

We desire to be a people who prioritize the Word of God. Scripture is given to us for showing the way unto salvation by grace through faith in Christ. God’s Word is also our basis for understanding Christ and the way He lived as our example in godly living.

Image by Samantha Gades


Hebrews 10:24-25

We desire to be a people who love, look forward to, and prioritize gathering as the church. This community is a blessing from the Lord with which to walk through life, worship the Lord, and wait for His return.

Image by Pablo Heimplatz


Hebrews 11:6

We desire to be a people that are in awe of who God is and what He can and will do. The presence and power of God should be pursued by His people individually and corporately in expectation and faith that He will do what only He can do.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦


Ephesians 4:12

We desire to be a people equipped to fulfill God’s will for our life and His church. Each person is called by God to carry out His will and to good works. The church is where we learn more about, grow in, and live out that calling.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦


Romans 12:4-5

We desire to be a people who love one another and belong to one another. The Christian life was meant to be lived in community. Our triune God is community within Himself as Father, Son, & Spirit displaying that people made in His image are called to fellowship and relationship with one another.

Image by Dương Trí


Mark 10:45

We desire to be a people who serve like Christ. If our Savior came to serve it is our opportunity to live like Him by loving our neighbor through a life of serving.

Image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor


John 17:11-23

We desire to be a people who have favor with all people. Unity centers on purpose and if we are fulfilling God’s purpose as His church we will see a great movement of God through a reunion of people to God.

Image by Adolfo Félix


Matthew 28:19-20

We desire to be a people who are disciples that make disciples of our neighbors and the nations. It is our opportunity to join God on His mission that all would come to repentance and faith in Him and live their life also making disciples of neighbors and nations.

The Timeline

1. Sharing the Vision | October of 2023

I will begin sharing the vision for this new church plant. 


The goal will be to build a launch team, add people to an intercessory prayer team, and partner with churches, organizations, and individuals that would financially support this new ministry.

2. Move to Nashville | May of 2024

At this time I will move to the city of Nashville to begin a year long residency program with a local church and pastor. This will give me time to establish the legal work with starting a new church, the ability to build relationships and connections in the city, learn the area and discover specifically where a new church would be best. It will allow me to be active in a local church with a pastor that will become a mentor in church planting, and an opportunity to build the launch team while continuing to raise support.


A unique partnership I have when moving to Nashville is a ministry called Apartment Life. Apartment Life is a faith-based, non-profit organization that helps apartment owners care for residents by connecting them in meaningful relationships. I will live in an apartment complex in the city and will have the responsibility and opportunity to build community through running events, personal care, and welcoming new move-ins. In exchange for serving this apartment community I will live in the complex at a highly discounted rate. This will allow me to live in the city at a menial expense and will open the door to meet people within the apartment community and surrounding areas.

3. Launch Team | August of 2024

The plan is to have out of state launch team members in the city by August of 2024. This will allow us to gather as a team to pray, plan, and prepare for monthly pre-launch gatherings that will start at the beginning of 2025.

4. Pre-View Gatherings Begin | March of 2025

The launch date is set for August of 2025 and prior to this launch we will begin monthly pre-launch gatherings along with monthly events to build relationships with people in the community. 


These pre-view gatherings will allow us to attract more launch team members, build momentum, practice planning and leading a worship service, build a greater awareness of the church in the community, provide time for follow up with attendees, and test our meeting location. 


The monthly events will help build relationships with people who have attended services, connect with new people in the community, and will provide another opportunity to promote upcoming gatherings, including the grand opening.

5. Grand Opening | September of 2025

The first Sunday of September 2025 is the launch date and grand opening of this new church. This will be when we begin weekly services.

Contact Form

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